How would you like a tour of my garden, just the flowers. Don't ask me the names, I haven't a clue. These are big red ones, like puff balls.
These pink ones are tall and floppy and need to be supported with a cane.They are close to the back door.
And a purple variety as well.
Little white flowers in an evergreen hedge. I planted lots of evergreens when I moved in, don't like things dying off and leaving big gaps.
The crimson lilac smells lovely, yes, I know the name of that one, it's a lilac bush, more like a tree actually, quite tall. Pity it's at the bottom of the garden behind the greenhouse.Little yellow flowers are sprouting up everywhere. Places where they shouldn't be. They don't last long, I pull the plants up when they have finished flowering.
This is in a pot, it would do better in the ground. Might move it if I can find a space.
Different shades of green, some with yellow leaves.
This bush has big spotted leaves. The new growth is more yellow than the green leaves underneath. I trim this so it doesn't grow too big.Tiny white flowers on another evergreen bush.
Ooops, a rogue dandelion amongst the blue flowers.
These little pink flowers are close to the edge of the lawn, and often get mowed. No wonder their numbers are declining.
I have a really big lilac tree in the back garden. Lovely while the flowers are out, but not so attractive when they start going brown.These little purplies are everywhere, I think they are a weed as the plant is like a creeping ivy, it swallows up everything around it. I have to be brutal and pull a lot of it up or it spreads everywhere.
My lawn is full of daisies. I don't mind, they look pretty, till I chop them off. They soon come back.
As you can see all in the garden is rosy. There was hardly anything in it when I moved in. I planted a few bushes and scattered a few seeds, now every year the flowers come back, and the evergreens have filled out the borders. Just how I like it, trim the bushes, mow the lawns, pull a few weeds out.
Toodle pip.
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